Wesley Weekly #2: Inside Doubt

Get it? Like inside out? Haha…ha…ha Hello, hello! In the famous words of the band Barenaked Ladies: “it’s been one week since you looked at me”. We hope you all are doing well this week! What You May Have Missed… Last week, we had our first discussion about doubt. Specifically on whether or not weContinue reading “Wesley Weekly #2: Inside Doubt”

Wesley Weekly #1: The Beginning

Hello again, lovely viewers of our newsletter! This week, we’re bringing you our first ever full Wesley Weekly! We’ve got information for you surrounding our plans for the semester, how you can get involved, and more! What You May Have Missed… Last week, we had our semester kickoff, where we discussed the theme of thisContinue reading “Wesley Weekly #1: The Beginning”

A Fresh Start

Well, folks, this is new. There were talks about revamping the website, but never having to make a totally new one. This does, however, allow for a totally fresh start for the Wesley Foundation at Michigan State University. For those of you who have just found us, welcome! We’re glad you’re here! In the comments,Continue reading “A Fresh Start”